Waves lapping against the shores, balmy breeze coming off the sea, sweep of sand tickling the feet, historical stone carvings on the side, big blue sky above the heads, doing yoga with international gurus, all the eternal experiences come together during Yoga World Festival.
The intent of the Yoga World Festival is to let you relish the rich South Indian yogic methods of cultivating a guided, powerful and inspiring mind. This festival, the first of its kind to help one and all unleash their true inner superbeing capabilities, emphasizes on the yogic methods once taught and practiced by unexplored, divine Saints with exponential contributions towards various yogic methodologies.
Multiple sessions by well versed experts in various styles of yoga.
Scholars will present their research papers on topics related to yoga.
Has been entertaining around the world record breaking achievements
Purification of mind and body by natural methods followed in Tamilnadu.